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One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

One Flew East, One Flew West...

Photos from Cuckoo's.

Dale Wasserman's theatrical adaptation of the novel by Ken Kessey follows RP McMurphy and Nurse Ratched as they battle over the balance between order and the human spirit.

“I wholeheartedly recommend this revival from Wide Eyed Productions”

Cast and other info:

By Dale Wasserman 

Directed by: Kristin Skye Hoffmann


Featuring: Trevor Dallier, Billy Dutton, Duane Chivon Ferguson, Ali Gilbertson , Andrew Harriss, Joe Hernandez, Brian Kaufman, Brianne Mai, Lucy McRae, Lloyd Mulvey*, Ben Newman*, Amy Lee Pearsall, Anthony Reimer*, Sage Seals, Solomon Shiv, Leal Vona, Robert White, u/s Kym Smith


Assistant Directed by: Joshua David Bishop

Lighting Design by: Ryan Metzler

Set Design by: Joshua David Bishop

Producers: Michael C. Freeland, Kenny Wade Marshall & Justin Ness


Opened: May 6, 2009

Closed: May 24, 2009


Ran at the Richmond Shepard Theater in New York City 


Click here to read a full review. 

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