The Double Take
Reading Series
Wide Eyed Productions will be hosting our third installment of the WINKS Reading Series! This time around we will be focusing exclusively new theatrical works of adapted content! (Meaning it’s is a play that was inspired by other works.)
Wide Eyed Productions is excited to continue its work on new American plays like our recent world premiere production of Dead Special Crabs by Dan Kitrosser and the award winning Animals by Sam Byron. We had such a good response to the previous seasons of readings, we want the fun to continue.
The Double Take Reading Series
A Wide Eyed Look at Theatrical Adaptation
Join us on the first Tuesday of every month at The Drama League where we will feature a twenty-minute segment from three original works by three different writers, which are related to, or inspired by, that month’s theme. At the end of each night the audience will be invited to select their favorite of the evening anonymously. The majority favorite will be named a semifinalist and be invited to submit a full text* to Wide Eyed Productions’ Artistic Board for consideration for our final round.
Two (or three?) overall finalists will be chosen and given a full staged reading of their play at the end of the WINKS series, and one winning text will be chosen based on audience and board votes. This winning text will then be work shopped with intent to produce in an upcoming season.
-MARCH: Anything But Disney: Adaptations from Fairy Tales from around the world.
-APRIL: Shake it Up: Adaptations from any of the bard's many works.
-MAY: In the News: Adaptations from past or current news stories from all forms of media.
-JUNE: It’s All Greek to Me: Adaptations from Greek texts and mythos.
-JULY: myTunes: Adaptations from pop songs, opera and other musical inspirations.
-AUGUST: Page Turners: Adaptations from works of literature.
MARCH: Anything But Disney
Janis and the Big BAD World by Catherine Weingarten- Directed by Andy Scott
Not the Same Old Story by David Rigano- Directed by Katharine Carter
APRIL: Shake It Up
Tamed by Holly Hepp-Galvan- Directed by Sky Seals
Better Than Dreaming by Alan Gordon & Joy Son- Directed by Celine Rosenthal
Modern Day Alchemy by Ashleigh Catsos- Directed by Judy Merrick
Electra Orleans by Joe Musso- Directed by Kate Eminger
VOGUE by Charles Salmon- Directed by Maureen Monterubio
DON GIO by Josh Pangborn- Directed by Lauren Miller
CALLAWAY by Philip Gerson- Directed by Kristin Skye Hoffmann
Directors Included:
Kristin Skye Hoffmann
Stephanie C. Cunningham
Sky Seals
Sherri Eden Barber
Celine Rosenthal
Suzanne Karpinski
Judy Merrick
Andy Scott
Anne Flowers
Katherine Carter
Michael Bush
Ilan Ben-Yehuda
Lauren Miller
Matthew Kreiner
Daniella Caggiano
Maureen Monterubio
Robert Gonyo
and more!